Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Kids seem to always have a sixth sense for when you need a little cheering up..

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Signed, Sealed, Delivered.

I'm always on the lookout for authentic Korean souvenirs and gifts, so I was very excited to find a random boutique filled with stationary, tea mugs, cards, and stamps in Jeju's City Hall area, or {sicheongsa 청사 }last night.I'm not sure of the store name. Here is what I found…and bought!: 
{Korean stickers. These were 1,000 KRW or 1.00 USD$. They are cute and give health and safety messages. This one reminds you to wear a helmet. I bought two more: one that says I'm organized {ha} and one that says to shut OFF my computer, girlfriend.It's stuck on my laptop now. Good advice}. 

{Tell me you don't secretly want these. Don't even know where I will stick 'em, but still}.

{Handmade Korean cards, which I will probably frame as a collection. The written language is so beautiful. I sometimes like not knowing exactly what they all say in English.}

{A mug I bought for my Dad's early birthday gift. It was a fun and random find. The store owner spoke some English, and told me this one says, "I love you Daddy." Okay, I'm five - but, how perfect! I picked this one up out of a collection of similar looking mugs, all with different phrases}. 

{Pocket cosmetic mirror 1,500 KRW or 1.50 USD$}
Happy {frivolous} shopping to me!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Back to Business :)

My first {real} week back in Jeju, Korea was filled with all my favorite things: teaching, painting, spicy lamb curry from Baghdad, shoe shopping, more shopping, and another coveted Konglish item. 
On Friday, we picked up where we left off by doing our best imitations of The Scream by Edvard Munch. The artsy connection to our unit on water sources was a bit more of a stretch, but The Scream is iconic and a fun way to brainstorm all the things that make us want to scream: good and bad. 
{The walk back through campus on my first day back. Plenty of sunshine.} 

{Mount Halla at sunrise}. 
{Re-creating The Scream}

{Discovering the Lemon Table in Jeju City, which gives foreigners {like us} a taste of Western comfort foods. There were hand cut fried potatoes and hamburgers on the menu, not to mention real ketchup and best of all: a super cute decor}: 
{Browsing around for a few new items. I love shopping without the pressure to find something specific: because I always land something cool}: 
{This shout-out to Coco Chanel is meant to say, "Coco made me do it." Love the "Konglish" version even more than the original}. 
{I love combat boots. I keep it girly by wearing them with tights and a flirty dress. This pair by Tandy {a popular, high quality brand in Korea} made me double back to the store and buy this leather pair I can't afford. ^-^ }
{The best details are underneath: the sizing and "Made in Korea" imprint.}
Having lamb curry at the Baghdad Cafe {check out the stationary boutique across the street for cute gifts} in the City Hall area, and strolling around. My very favorite on a Saturday night. 

{Who's this?? ;)} 
{City Hall: Jeju City:}

{In other news, I got into my first fender bender while going to City Hall. Our cab got T boned by another cab in an intersection. It was bound to happen. Everyone was fine..yikes!}